Dates for your diary in 2025
Members' Competition meeting will be held on
Saturday 10th January at 2.00pm at the club to discuss entering County and National competitions and share views and ideas on club competitions. This will be really helpful to members unfamiliar with County and National competitions, to create teams, ask questions and share views on what we should do in the club specifically relating to bowls. County entries are open you can enter if you go to or wait until 10th January - old fashion paper entry is also available. I have attached the Men's County schedule and will send the mixed and womens schedule out when I receive it.
Games Nights will continue every other Thursday evening at 7.
starting 16th January. Come along, have a chat with your bowls buddies, play a game or even darts and have a drink. We'd love to see you.
Fashion Show (Ladies clothes but all welcome!) on
Saturday 29th March at 2.00pm, entrance fee £5. Guests are very welcome, bring your friends along.
Membership night is on
Friday 4th April at 7.00pm to pay your subs, enter club competitions and get a drink.
The Green will open on Saturday 26th April, combined with a coffee morning (the bar will also be open). We also plan to use this as an opportunity to give new bowlers a taster session, so if you know anyone who might be interested in joining the club this is the time to bring them along. We will also be having a stall at the Farmers Market and hope to get some interest from the public.
We will also be holding a Race Night on Saturday 17th May and a Murder Mystery Night on Friday 14th June. These should be great fun, an opportunity to socialise and will be open to the public, so talk to your family and friends and put these dates in your diaries. More details to follow.
Here's looking forward to seeing you in the new year.